10 Mukhi Rudraksha


The Ten-faced Rudraksha also protects a person from any kind of Black magic, Evil Eye etc. as it controls and eliminates all kinds of Evil beings. The Rudraksha pacifies all the nine planets and it is also a very good tool to remove Vastu faults of a place

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The Ten-faced Rudraksha also protects a person from any kind of Black magic, Evil Eye etc. as it controls and eliminates all kinds of Evil beings. The Rudraksha pacifies all the nine planets and it is also a very good tool to remove Vastu faults of a place. Hence, the wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed by several Gods as well as he is protected from the negative effects of all the 9 planets. The wearer gains Success, Name & Fame, his self-confidence is enhanced and leads a more Happier, Healthier & Wealthier life. Ten-faced Rudraksha is also helpful to win over the Enemies especially if there are any Litigations or Court Cases. People having a disturbed mind, sleep, life can wear this Rudraksha for a peaceful life. It gives the creative energy and patience to the wearer. Ten faced rudraksha provides very much protection to the home, positive for Vaastu as it has Lord Vishnu as the ruler. The wearer is provided from ten directions as the Ruler is MahaVishnu. The wearer is blessed with happiness, contentment and great skills for professional success. It blesses the wearer with a dutiful son. Ten mukhi Rudraksha works on unblocking and balancing of Swadisthana chakra. The energy blesses the wearer with abundance and security.


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